Outback X-Men and The Spedsy Awards – DnD 100th episode
It’s ComX Studio’s Friday Night Drink & Draw episode 100!!!!! Believe it or not but it was Siz’s need for X-Men comics that started all this ComX craziness that ended in a passion for Australian Indie Comics so who better to draw then members of the Outback X-Men team!!!
To celebrate the 100th episode Spedsy will be giving out awards to deserving folk in the Australian comic community…. Move over AKA, CAAA, Reverie Awards and Stanley’s!!! it’s the SPEDSYS peoples! Time to rock the industry to it’s core…. one Spedsy at a time!
Main Guest(s)
Related Theme(s)
Artists on the show
The Three Hosts with the Mosts

Sometimes co-Host

Sometimes co-Host

Seasons 2 & 3 Regulars

Season 4 Gang