Get Ready for a Magical Night of Art and Shazam Fun on Drink & Draw ep. 120
Join us for the next ComX Studio’s Friday Night Drink & Draw, hosted by the talented Nicole Kane and Chris Pitcairn, with Siz on the buttons. It’s an “off week” episode, but we’re not taking a break from the action. This time, we’re diving into the world of Shazam and all the amazing heroes and villains that come with it. We know, we know – it’s a sensitive topic. But let’s set the record straight: Shazam is the original Captain Marvel, created by Bill Parker and C.C. Beck in 1939. The character has undergone many changes over the years, but the core remains the same: a teenage boy named Billy Batson who becomes a powerful superhero when he says the magic word “Shazam!” From Captain Marvel to Teth-Adam, Mary Marvel, and the Wizard, we’ll be exploring the entire Shazam universe. Get ready to draw, paint, and create your favourite characters from this beloved franchise. So grab your pencils, markers, and favourite drawing tools, and join us for a night of art, fun, and Shazam-tastic adventures. Don’t forget to share your creations with us at
Main Guest(s)
Artists on the show
The Three Hosts with the Mosts

Sometimes co-Host

Sometimes co-Host

Seasons 2 & 3 Regulars

Season 4 Gang