Friday Drink & Draw ep 102 – TMNT!!!!
Cowabunga dudes and dudettes!! It’s that time for ComX’s Drink and Draw to entertain the masses and what better way than chatting about and drawing Turtles! Not any old turtles, teenage turtles. Heck not just teenage turtles but teenage mutant turtles!!! But that not all, after years of intense training they are: TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!
zigposca zigposca zigposca zigposca spedsy Tom Tung shannstudios andrewlawart artofDragan_79 atom_killespie blandorama blandorama buffy2023 Churnobill davo_77 davo_77 dyenamite59 edkearsleyart geekyshaneart geekyshaneart gonzomay gonzomay Janet Locke mic_nason_comic_art quickdraw13 roboconnor_art Shauncraikeart shellshockedstudio sketchmonkeypress spell.kitty tonymenzie Travis Richardson Travis Richardson
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The Three Hosts with the Mosts

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Sometimes co-Host

Seasons 2 & 3 Regulars

Season 4 Gang